I Blinked and There Went January

I Blinked and There Went January

Good golly, we're already 1/12 of the year down? How did that happen? Sheesh. You take one measly little nap...

In our newsletter today:

  1. 1) Happy New Year! (Yes, I'm one of those people)
  2. 2) Valentine's Day Cake Poll
  3. 3) Clickable Sweet Treats and Cover Reveal
  4. 4) Follow Me on BookBub

Happy New Year!

The last Saturday of January every year, my work holds its annual convention. Picture a family reunion with people hugging and exchanging news and beaming at friends they may not have seen in person since the last gathering. It's a happy day. I can’t tell you how many times I said, “Happy New Year!” at our most recent one--even though we were nearly a month into 2024. It got me curious: how late in the year do you go before you stop greeting folks with that particular opening line?

Me, I figured I could squeeze it in one last time here before trading blue and white decorations for the red and pink ones...

Which brings us to Valentine’s Day.

Valentine's Day Cake Poll

As a romance lover, you’d think I’d be all about Valentine’s Day. And I am! I mean hearts, flowers, chocolate? Who’s really going to grump about that? Not moi, that’s for sure. (I adore that we have Galentine’s Day, too, a global holiday celebrating women’s friendship.)

But February 14th has always had an additional significance for me: it’s my big brother’s birthday! We disagree about the best cake to celebrate birthdays with. He’s team Cherry Chip and I’m all about the chocolate cake with chocolate almond frosting. He’s clearly in the wrong, but hey, it’s his birthday, right?

Which cake would you prefer to celebrate with on Valentine’s Day?

  1. 1) Red Velvet Cake
    2) Prosecco Cake
    3) Raspberry Spice Cake
    4) Chocolate Cuddle Cake
    5) Strawberry Cake

Hit this link to my Survey Monkey poll and lemme know! I'll share the results in our next newsletter.

Clickable Sweet Treats and Cover Reveal

Now, if we’re looking to treat ourselves without the calories, what could be a sweeter non-sugar treat than a good book?

Craving My Roommate, a limited time anthology, is available for pre-order at 99 red hot copper coins. The book will drop on July 23 and then the price will jump. Just look at that luscious cover!

Pre-order now!

Here's the blurb for my short story,
The One That I See:

Celia’s inner bully tells her she’s not ready for bikini season. Can a sexy intervention involving a mirror and David’s firm hand convince her she’s beautiful at any size? It’s a theory worth testing…

Can’t wait for summer to gobble up all the book goodies? Why not give one of my other stories a nibble?

My sexy hot contemporary The One That I Want pairs well with chocolate chip cookies (okay, back to full sugar, oops!). Connor definitely has a thing for Kiera’s… cookies.

And you couldn’t go wrong biting into a slice of chocolate lava cake while reading A Really Big Dawn in the Love at Dawn romance anthology. The attraction between Elyria and Dec is absolutely molten as they race to catch an arsonist.


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BookBub is a free service that helps you discover books you'll love through unbeatable deals, handpicked recommendations, and updates from your favorite authors (like me!).

BookBub doesn't actually sell books. Instead it provides links to online sellers and because you tell them what kinds of stories you like to read, it will inform you when books in your niche are available or on sale. Over the years I’ve found some of my favorite “new to me authors” through this service. I absolutely adore it.

I invite you to follow me and while you're there, take a peek at my recent recommendations! (FYI this is not an affiliate link, simply a path to my author profile for your convenience.)

Ciao for now,


J. Keely Thrall
Enthralling Romance

Hi! I'm Keely.

I write thrilling, enthralling romance and love to share cool stuff with my readers. Stay in the know -- sign up for my newsletter!

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Keely's living room with new rug

Keeping the newsletter super brief today so we can get to the good stuff 1) The One That I Want - Celebrity Crush Edition! Join me TODAY and TOMORROW for the 5th Annual Fall Into A Book reader/author event in the Isn't it Romantic Book Club on Facebook. Lots of great giveaways! Here's my post where I share a few of my celebrity crushes over the years and invite you to share yours too! 2) Just in time for the weekend: Searching for your next sizzling hot happily after??? Look no further!...

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Chapter mates watching Deadpool and Wolverine in August

Team Deadpool or Team Wolverine, That is the Question Back in July, I began a year-long stint as president of my local writing chapter (Washington Romance Writers). I'm super stoked to be able to give back to an organization that has been such a blessing in my life. Probably 95% of my friends stem from the 24 years I've belonged to this special company of writers. For our August chapter event, we rented a movie theater for a private screening of Deadpool and Wolverine. Yeah, a private...