
Time to Kick Back and Relax

"They" say that summer is for relaxing. And it's true that Wednesday I went to the pool (first time this season, maybe first time since the pandemic?). But, woof, my summer already feels frenetic and it's technically only the second day of the season. How, what, why? And who are these "they" people anyway?

Anyhoo, I'm determined to make pool lounging a many-times-a-week habit this year. Wish me luck!

In our newsletter today:

  1. 1) Dim sum and friends
  2. 2) Isn't It Romantic Book Club take over Jun 27 - join me!
  3. 3) Holy smokes, five titles on Amazon???
  4. 4) Coming Soon Preorder Event - feeding our mutual book-hoarding dragon hearts

Win Some, Dim Sum

Earlier this month my pal--author Julie Halperson, a co-contributor to Love at Dawn and Craving My Roommate anthologies--and I flew down to Dallas to snarf down all the wisdom there was to find at the smorgasbord that is Inkers Con. It was three days of filling our brains with yummy entrepreneurial advice on how to grow a writing career. Overwhelming at times, for sure, but it was so neat to rub elbows with creative types committed to pursuing their passion.

Also neat? Hanging out with J.L. Lora and Laralyn Doran, two fab author friends who live kinda, sorta near us. With DC Metro area traffic in play "near" is pretty relative, so we had to travel a few hundred miles just to meet up! Worth it.

Also-also neat? *Finally* having dim sum with Editor Jess (fearless leader of HEA Author Services and all around nifty human). The last time we managed dim sum together was 2019 in New York City. We love us some soup dumplings! Fingers crossed it's not another five years before our next fun food outing.

Clockwise from back left: J. Keely Thrall, Julie Halperson, JL Lora, Laralyn Doran
Editor Jess and Keely at Inkers Cons

Isn't It Romantic Book Club Take Over June 27

Join me over in the Isn't It Romantic Book Club Facebook group on Thursday, June 27 for a fun day of g1v3aways and shooting the breeze. Join the group here. Can't wait to see you there!

What a Difference a Year Makes

I added the Light My Fire anthology to my Amazon author page this week and paused a moment to squee over the fact that I now have five titles listed.

I've been writing for so long, and granted, I took my time dipping my toe into the indie publishing waters, but wow. Just wow. I'm so proud of myself.

In March 2023, Love at Dawn made me the proud parent of a book baby. Now look! How cool that Dawn has siblings to keep her company. <3 <3 <3

(Stay tuned! I'll share more specifics about Light My Fire and my contribution, The One That I Love, in my next newsletter.)

Coming Soon Preorder Event

Y'all! This is my first time participating in a BookFunnel promotion *and* I have TWO titles in it -- Craving My Roommate and Winter Wishes and Holiday Kisses!

Do me a solid? Click the pink link below and tell me which books I should add to my dragon's hoard. They all look so good, I can't decide!

📚 Order Now, Get the Book on Release Day 🎉

We have a bunch of great titles available for preorder! Enter the Coming Soon Preorder Event to start 1-clicking today!


AK Nevermore, Ali Rivers, Amber Lynn Natusch, Amy Stephens, Beth Dolgner, Britney Bell, Clare Dugmore, Ella Cooper, Ida Brady, J. Keely Thrall, K.J. Cloutier, Keighley Bradford, Lauren Louise Hazel, Ruby Brinks,
Tristina Brockway

#comingsoon #preordernow #bookworm #mustread #oneclick #1click #BookMojo

This just in: between when I started writing this newsletter and now, I've made definite plans to go to the pool with a neighbor this afternoon. #summerwinning

I hope the start of your summer is also filled with win.

Ciao for now,


J. Keely Thrall
Enthralling Romance

Hi! I'm Keely.

I write thrilling, enthralling romance and love to share cool stuff with my readers. Stay in the know -- sign up for my newsletter!

Read more from Hi! I'm Keely.
Keely's living room with new rug

Keeping the newsletter super brief today so we can get to the good stuff 1) The One That I Want - Celebrity Crush Edition! Join me TODAY and TOMORROW for the 5th Annual Fall Into A Book reader/author event in the Isn't it Romantic Book Club on Facebook. Lots of great giveaways! Here's my post where I share a few of my celebrity crushes over the years and invite you to share yours too! 2) Just in time for the weekend: Searching for your next sizzling hot happily after??? Look no further!...

Team Deadpool or Team Wolverine, That is the Question Back in July, I began a year-long stint as president of my local writing chapter (Washington Romance Writers). I'm super stoked to be able to give back to an organization that has been such a blessing in my life. Probably 95% of my friends stem from the 24 years I've belonged to this special company of writers. For our August chapter event, we rented a movie theater for a private screening of Deadpool and Wolverine. Yeah, a private...

Chapter mates watching Deadpool and Wolverine in August

Team Deadpool or Team Wolverine, That is the Question Back in July, I began a year-long stint as president of my local writing chapter (Washington Romance Writers). I'm super stoked to be able to give back to an organization that has been such a blessing in my life. Probably 95% of my friends stem from the 24 years I've belonged to this special company of writers. For our August chapter event, we rented a movie theater for a private screening of Deadpool and Wolverine. Yeah, a private...